Verein Mitgliedsbeitrag
This site is about payment of the OPH e.V. membership fee for ordinary members.
Membership Period Summer Semester May-October[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The membership period SS24 (01.05.2024 - 31.10.2024) is running. The membership fee is 10€ by decision of the last members' assembly or senate. Prepayments were collected from 01.04.24 until 30.04.24.
If you moved in between June - October, you pay 2€/month for the semester remainder. Example: Bob moved in on 1st of July, so he pays for July-October, 4*2=8€.
Membership Period Winter Semester November-April[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The membership period WS23/24 (01.11.2023 - 30.04.2024) is closed. Prepayments were collected from 01.10.23 until 31.10.24.
Payment Procedure[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Use this template for the bank transfer (choose the appropriate semester according to the above).
Bank transfer is the only option. We do not accept cash. Partial refunds are not possible.
For upcoming semesters, Do not pay the membership fee in advance. Instead, wait for our announcement of the prepayment period, and then pay within the announced deadline.
Payment is done manually by you for each semester via the template, which also holds the sum of the membership fee for the relevant period. We announce the payment deadline for a new membership period within the first month of the new semester (April for summer semester, October for winter semester). The announcement is sent via mail from to all residents, and posted as elevator notices.
If you have questions about the membership fee or payment, ask the house speakers
FAQ[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Q: I am a subtenant (Untermieter) / I have a subtenant (Untermieter). Who of us has to pay?
A: Only one of you has to pay the full fee (preferably the main tenant (Hauptmieter)), then you both are cleared for this semester. But you both have to hand in a registration form individually for legal reasons. Main tenants: For future reference, if you go away for a whole semester, as a member you have the option to change your membership into a resting membership (ruhende Mitgliedschaft) for that semester, and then don't have to pay for that period.